Hey! We once again made a cool video for you to watch instead of reading our drawn-out heroes tale, but if you’re interested in a mediocre read about how great we think we are, scroll down.


For decades, beer manufacturers have been stuffing ugly, oversized t-shirts into boxes in hopes that their consumers will unabashedly add these ill-fitted, often monstrosities to their wardrobes. For far too long have our friends and family been held hostage by the treacherous beer box tee that our loved ones don shamelessly in public.

To this rising epidemic, Sleeman said,

“No More! We need to revolutionize the beer box t-shirt programs and save these poor souls.”

*Not a verbatim quote*

After a rigorous Google image search of people in beer t-shirts, we discovered an incredible irrefutable gap between expectation and reality. There were two polarized groups of photos!

This was interesting to us as there was literally no in-between.

So, we put on our science brains, downed a couple of Sleeman Clear 2.0’s and thought - “What if we made nice commercial-grade t-shirts that fit really well, looks super cool, and… we gave them out for free?”.


Then, because we are always so extra, we sat and thought about how we could make the shirts customizable to ensure people REALLY liked the shirts they were getting.

BY GOLLY! That would mean we would need to build a custom web experience where:

AND THEN… We would have to:

UI/ux design

Design a beautiful and easy-to-understand UX/UI for consumers to order their shirts.


Code and develop a super responsive web app with a 3PL backend integration (even included barcode scanning. From scratch. Custom-tailored to this program. Yup. Go us.)


Code and deploy a custom backend portal to house user data.


Develop a web-based platform to house the experience.


Design a ton of amazing-looking tees.


Burn the screens, squeegee the ink through said screens and hand-make each shirt to order.


Fold, package, and label each shirt.Direct-to-consumer 3PL prize shipping and management.


Fold, package, and label each shirt.Direct-to-consumer 3PL prize shipping and management.


Fold, package, and label each shirt.Direct-to-consumer 3PL prize shipping and management.


Custom shirts out the door


Unique Data Captures


Happy Friends and Family Members

4.8+ mins

time spent in the experience on average(the industry standard is 7 - 10 seconds)


Users returned with multiple codes


Custom shirts out Redemption of pins on-case(This is hella significant)the door


Increase in velocity while in market


Potential Divorce(it’s a long story)

To sum it up - We ideated, designed, coded, built, screen printed, dried, folded, packaged, tagged, shipped and deployed another MONSTER of a campaign!We saved tons of people from secondhand embarrassment and made a custom premium that the end consumer is actually going to wear instead of tearing it up and using it as a shammy to clean their car.

Yay, Sleeman! Yay, us!
We would high-five the printers, but their hands and wrists are still recovering.

If you like the idea of going over the top and finding a unique solution to your everyday problems, then let’s go and chitty-chat. We’re actually pretty nice.

*The quote made above is the summarization of an event that occurred. No one actually said the outlined quote in real life. Though, the amazing people involved in this project basically said this through multiple emails and meetings. We just thought that you may not want to read through hours of transcripts. This means we innovated once again and created an amazing “paraphrase,” which essentially drove the point home further. We never stop.

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